The usage of and scripts in Oracle 11g Standalone and RAC environment

The usage of and scripts  in Oracle 11g Standalone and RAC environment :-

Oracle Version :- 11g
OS:- Rhel 6.4
ORACLE_HOME:- /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1
ORACLE_BASE:- /u01/app/oracle

Executing and are the ultimate steps which we execute as root user to ensure that our installation process is done.
Its a good practice to save those scripts in somewhere safe.

Importance of running '' script: is  located inside  /u01/app/oraInventory directory.

We execute the script to accomplish the following goals:-
1.It creates the inventory pointer file (/etc/oraInst.loc),This file shows the inventory location and group it is linked to.
2)It Changes permission to 771 for  /u01/app/oraInventory  directory and change the groupname of the oraInventory directory to oinstall group.

Importance of running '' script: is located inside $ORACLE_HOME i.e /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1 directory.

We execute the script to accomplish the following goals:-
1)It will Creates a /etc/oratab file.This is the file which we use to make automatic Database shutdown and startup and we can identify how many databases are there in server.
2)It Sets the Oracle base and home environments.
3)It Sets an appropriate permission to the OCR base directory.
4)If there are any permissions or ownerships to be changed, these are done by as not all OSs allow regular userids to chmod or chown;
5)If there are any suid requirements (for example. $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle is suid/sgid 'oracle')
6)If there are any changes to the OS and root-protected files (crs and inittab)
7)If there are new directories (/var, /opt, especially for temp and logs) in root-only accessible parent dirs
8)If there are new files (/usr/local/bin/oraenv) in root-only accessible parent dirs
9)If there are special processes that need to be initiated
10)It Creates the OCR backup and Network Socket directories.
11)It Configures the OCR and voting disks (only on the first node)
12)It Starts the Clusterware daemons.
13)It adds Clusterware daemons to the inittab file.
14)It Verifies whether the Clusterware is up on all nodes.
15)On the last node, initiates ./vipca in silent mode to configure nodeapps,
such as, GSD, VIP, and ONS for all the nodes.
16)It verifies the super user privileges.
17)It Creates a trace directory.The 'trace' directory is again very vital for generating trace file to keep a track on user sessions in case of any error,troubleshooting and diagnosis purpose.
18)It Generates OCR keys for the 'root' user.
19)It Adds daemon information to the inittab file
20)Starts up the Oracle High Availability Service Daemon (OHASD) process.
21)Creates and configures an ASM instance and starts up the instance.
22)Creates required ASM disk groups, if ASM is being used to put OCR and voting files.
23)Starts up the Cluster Ready Service Daemon (CRSD) process
24)Creates the voting disk file.
25)It Puts the voting disk on the Voting disk,if ASM type is selected.
26)It Displays voting disk details
27)Stops and restarts a cluster stack and other cluster resources on the local node
28)It Updates the Oracle inventory file.
29)Completes with the UpdateNodeList success operation.

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